Mallard Green HOA

P.O. BOX 34655

Indianapolis, IN 46234 

phone: 317.682.4959


Mallard Green Homeowners Association Annual Meeting is Thursday, October 15th.

Lion's Club

7 -9pm

Refreshments to be served.

We hope you can make it !!!!


Mallard Green HOA  is officially on the web.  Please take a moment and review the information we've provided thus far.  The links in the navigation area on the right of the page contain current and future newsletters, a contact page to send questions/comments directly to the board and managing members of the HOA, a calendar of events that will be updated as events are scheduled, a link to information from the Architectural Control Committe which includes a downloadable request for change form, and a blog page to keep homeowners informed of things happening in our community.  We hope that each of you will find this information useful and make you feel more a part of this great community.  In addition, we hope that it promotes positive idea generation for making our community better.  Please share this information with your friends and neighbors to help them become better informed of what takes place at Mallard Green.

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